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  电力电缆桥架敷设 电缆桥架敷设方式的优点很突出,相比于其他方式,具有很强的适用性和完善性, 不管是电缆跟数较多的主干线路还是根数较少的配电线路,一般都可使用此种方式。电 缆桥架不单独占用电缆通道,节省空间,而且由于电缆敷设在空气中,散热效果好,维 修方便,增设新电缆也比较容易。 不同的电缆在桥架上敷设时需要分层排列,从上到下的排列顺序依次是弱电电缆、 控制电缆,低压电力电缆、高压电力电缆。这种排列方式是为了阻隔电缆之间的互相的 影响,将干扰信号排除在外,不仅有利于电缆的散热,也有利于后期的检修和维护。当 电力电缆和控制电缆在同一桥架层上安装时,我们要采用有效地方式将强电和弱电隔离 开了,防止互相干扰,一般使用金属隔板隔开。

  The advantages of the cable tray laying method for power cables are very prominent. Compared with other methods, it has strong applicability and completeness. Whether it is the main line with more cables or the distribution line with fewer cables, this method can generally be used. The cable tray does not occupy the cable channel separately, saving space. Moreover, due to the cable being laid in the air, the heat dissipation effect is good, and maintenance is convenient. Adding new cables is also relatively easy. When laying different cables on the bridge, they need to be arranged in layers. The order of arrangement from top to bottom is weak current cables, control cables, low-voltage power cables, and high-voltage power cables. This arrangement is to block the mutual influence between cables and exclude interference signals, which is not only beneficial for cable heat dissipation, but also for later maintenance and repair. When power cables and control cables are installed on the same bridge layer, we need to use an effective method to separate strong and weak currents to prevent mutual interference. Generally, metal partitions are used to separate them.

  电力电缆隧道敷设 电力电缆敷设于隧道内,隧道由于空间较大,能够容纳很多电缆,所以这种敷设方 式一般用于电缆线路比较烦多复杂的地区(比如出线较多的大型发电厂)或路径难度加 大区段(如穿越机场跑道或江底),位于有腐蚀性液体或经常有地下水流溢的场所,电 缆隧道是未来城市电力系统改造发展的一个重要方向,在未来,城市电缆应用的范围会 越来越广,数量越来越多,应该需要更完善的配套设备。

  Power cable tunnel laying: Power cables are laid inside tunnels. Due to their large space, tunnels can accommodate a large number of cables, so this laying method is generally used in areas with more complicated cable lines (such as large power plants with more outgoing lines) or sections with increased path difficulty (such as crossing airport runways or river bottoms), located in places with corrosive liquids or frequent groundwater overflow. Cable tunnels are an important direction for the future development of urban power system transformation. In the future, the scope and quantity of urban cable applications will become wider and more numerous, and more complete supporting equipment should be needed.

  一、 应用分析 电缆一般多使用在城市繁华地段,这些地方对市容要求较高,还包括一些旅游景点 区域,现在很多地方都将电缆取代了架空线,因为电缆有很多的优点如下所列:

  1、 Application analysis cables are generally used in bustling urban areas, which have high requirements for urban appearance and also include some tourist attraction areas. Nowadays, many places have replaced overhead lines with cables because they have many advantages as follows:


  1. Not affected by natural meteorological conditions;


  2. Not affected by the growth of trees along the route;


  3. Beneficial for beautifying the urban environment;


  4. It does not occupy the ground corridor, and multiple cables can share one underground passage, saving space;


  5. The protective performance of cables is high, ensuring personal safety and preventing electric shock;


  6. Easy to maintain and repair.


  2、 Based on the above advantages, cable lines should be used for medium and low voltage distribution lines in the following situations:


  1. In bustling city centers and places with high requirements for environmental aesthetics;


  2. Places that cannot be reached by overhead lines;


  3. Places with high requirements for safety and reliability;


  4. Tourist and sightseeing areas;

  5.容易受恶劣天气影响的地方,不适合架空线路的敷设就要使用电缆。而这几年比 较流行的预分支电缆也得到了广泛应用,一般用于低压配电系统,用于高层民用建筑电气竖井的垂直配电干线,隧道、机场、桥梁、公路等照明配电干线等。

  5. In areas that are susceptible to adverse weather conditions and are not suitable for laying overhead lines, cables should be used. And in recent years, the popular pre branch cables have also been widely used, generally used in low-voltage distribution systems, vertical distribution trunk lines for electrical shafts in high-rise civil buildings, lighting distribution trunk lines in tunnels, airports, bridges, highways, etc.电力电缆桥架敷设 电缆桥架敷设方式的优点很突出,相比于其他方式,具有很强的适用性和完善性, 不管是电缆跟数较多的主干线路还是根数较少的配电线路,一般都可使用此种方式。电 缆桥架不单独占用电缆通道,节省空间,而且由于电缆敷设在空气中,散热效果好,维 修方便,增设新电缆也比较容易。 不同的电缆在桥架上敷设时需要分层排列,从上到下的排列顺序依次是弱电电缆、 控制电缆,低压电力电缆、高压电力电缆。这种排列方式是为了阻隔电缆之间的互相的 影响,将干扰信号排除在外,不仅有利于电缆的散热,也有利于后期的检修和维护。当 电力电缆和控制电缆在同一桥架层上安装时,我们要采用有效地方式将强电和弱电隔离 开了,防止互相干扰,一般使用金属隔板隔开。

  The advantages of the cable tray laying method for power cables are very prominent. Compared with other methods, it has strong applicability and completeness. Whether it is the main line with more cables or the distribution line with fewer cables, this method can generally be used. The cable tray does not occupy the cable channel separately, saving space. Moreover, due to the cable being laid in the air, the heat dissipation effect is good, and maintenance is convenient. Adding new cables is also relatively easy. When laying different cables on the bridge, they need to be arranged in layers. The order of arrangement from top to bottom is weak current cables, control cables, low-voltage power cables, and high-voltage power cables. This arrangement is to block the mutual influence between cables and exclude interference signals, which is not only beneficial for cable heat dissipation, but also for later maintenance and repair. When power cables and control cables are installed on the same bridge layer, we need to use an effective method to separate strong and weak currents to prevent mutual interference. Generally, metal partitions are used to separate them.

  电力电缆隧道敷设 电力电缆敷设于隧道内,隧道由于空间较大,能够容纳很多电缆,所以这种敷设方 式一般用于电缆线路比较烦多复杂的地区(比如出线较多的大型发电厂)或路径难度加 大区段(如穿越机场跑道或江底),位于有腐蚀性液体或经常有地下水流溢的场所,电 缆隧道是未来城市电力系统改造发展的一个重要方向,在未来,城市电缆应用的范围会 越来越广,数量越来越多,应该需要更完善的配套设备。

  Power cable tunnel laying: Power cables are laid inside tunnels. Due to their large space, tunnels can accommodate a large number of cables, so this laying method is generally used in areas with more complicated cable lines (such as large power plants with more outgoing lines) or sections with increased path difficulty (such as crossing airport runways or river bottoms), located in places with corrosive liquids or frequent groundwater overflow. Cable tunnels are an important direction for the future development of urban power system transformation. In the future, the scope and quantity of urban cable applications will become wider and more numerous, and more complete supporting equipment should be needed.

  一、 应用分析 电缆一般多使用在城市繁华地段,这些地方对市容要求较高,还包括一些旅游景点 区域,现在很多地方都将电缆取代了架空线,因为电缆有很多的优点如下所列:

  1、 Application analysis cables are generally used in bustling urban areas, which have high requirements for urban appearance and also include some tourist attraction areas. Nowadays, many places have replaced overhead lines with cables because they have many advantages as follows:


  1. Not affected by natural meteorological conditions;


  2. Not affected by the growth of trees along the route;


  3. Beneficial for beautifying the urban environment;


  4. It does not occupy the ground corridor, and multiple cables can share one underground passage, saving space;


  5. The protective performance of cables is high, ensuring personal safety and preventing electric shock;


  6. Easy to maintain and repair.


  2、 Based on the above advantages, cable lines should be used for medium and low voltage distribution lines in the following situations:


  1. In bustling city centers and places with high requirements for environmental aesthetics;


  2. Places that cannot be reached by overhead lines;


  3. Places with high requirements for safety and reliability;


  4. Tourist and sightseeing areas;

  5.容易受恶劣天气影响的地方,不适合架空线路的敷设就要使用电缆。而这几年比 较流行的预分支电缆也得到了广泛应用,一般用于低压配电系统,用于高层民用建筑电气竖井的垂直配电干线,隧道、机场、桥梁、公路等照明配电干线等。

  5. In areas that are susceptible to adverse weather conditions and are not suitable for laying overhead lines, cables should be used. And in recent years, the popular pre branch cables have also been widely used, generally used in low-voltage distribution systems, vertical distribution trunk lines for electrical shafts in high-rise civil buildings, lighting distribution trunk lines in tunnels, airports, bridges, highways, etc.20220921041502594.png

  本文由济南电缆桥架  友情奉献.更多有关的知识请点击     真诚的态度.为

  This article is dedicated by Jinan Cable Tray Friendship. For more related knowledge, please click A sincere attitude by
